


About The Tessen-kai Noh Theater Association

The Tessen-kai Noh Theater Association is a renowned Noh performing organization led by the Kanze Tetsunojo family. It was established as a branch of the Kanze School in the early 18th century. After World War II, Kanze Hisao (1925–1978), the first son of Kanze Tetsunojo VII, led the renaissance of Noh and explored its potential through practice and study. During that time, Hisao and Tessen-kai vigorously engaged in multi-disciplinary, international projects. Currently, Tessen-kai is led by Kanze Tetsunojo IX (1956– ) who took over the name in 2002. While preserving the classical repertory, the organization creates new plays and actively looks for new ways of expression through collaboration with artists from other disciplines. Tessen-kai continues to explore the possibilities of Noh as an art form that is relevant to today’s audience.