

Welcome to Tessen-kai

About The Tessen-kai

The Tessen-kai Noh Theater Association is a renowned Noh performing organization led by the Kanze Tetsunojo family. It was established as a branch of the Kanze School in the early 18th century. After World War II, Kanze Hisao (1925–1978), the first son of Kanze Tetsunojo VII, led the renaissance of Noh and explored its potential through practice and study ……

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Tessenkai okina




an open door not experience at omotesando

Want to know more about Noh? Our two-hour workshop offers an immersive experience to anybody, regardless of prior level of theatrical experience.

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  • June: Monday, 6/3 and Wednesday, 6/19
  • July: Wednesday, 7/10 and Monday, 7/15
  • August: Tuesday, 8/6 and Tuesday, 8/20
  • September: Monday, 9/9 and Wednesday, 9/18
  • October: Friday, 10/4 and Monday, 10/28
  • November: Thursday, 11/14 and Wednesday, 11/27
  • December: Monday, 12/9 and Monday, 12/23